G’day all; choose from dozens of Doctor Who articles, or broaden your horizons by learning how to create a fanzine (or how to kill one), or seeing how funny the innocent stories of kids or search engines can be. Please feel free to bug me with comments, requests and the like, no matter how minor they may seem to you!
Note that you can move around this site with the three blue buttons at the top and bottom: once you’re off this page the point of the two on the right will become obvious, but also note that you can also get to the Site Map from any page by clicking on my name at the left.
Doctor Who | Assorted Rants |
2004 Europe photos | Links |
2006 Japan/China photos | Feedback |
30 August 2006
I've been a-travelling once more. I've just added almost 2000 thousand photos and videos from my trip to China, and the 2006 Boomerang World Cup in Japan.
20 April 2005
Added my ongoing review of the new Doctor Who season — it’ll get updated as the season progresses.
5 August 2004
Added over a thousand photos from my trip to Europe, and the 2004 Boomerang World Cup.
You can also see a full list of changes.
This page last updated by David J Richardson on Mon, 28 Jan 2008.